Chinese Zodiac Sign for Year 2006

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign .

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Chinese Zodiac Ox for Year 2006

Chinese Zodiac Ox for Year 2006 生肖運程

Chinese Zodiac Ox Natural Character 生肖運程
Those who are born in the year of ox have a strong belief system. You do not take advice from others easily. However, you are grounded and honest. It is your nature to work hard. Although you are stubborn but surprisingly you do not lack of friends. This is because you care for your friends.

Because you are stubborn in nature, you will need to learn the lesson the hard way. There is no short cut for you because once you feel your ways are right, you will charge blindly. So, your strategy is to learn fast and correct fast. Your work model is trials and errors.

Involve yourself in charity work will increase your luck this year. You may even find your love one there.

Overview of Chinese Zodiac Ox for Year 2006 生肖運程
This is a roller coaster year for the zodiac ox. When you feel unstoppable, you must not be egoistic, lay low and be humble. When you feel the end of the world has come, you must not give up. Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

For the male, your luck is unpredictable. When your luck is with you, you are the king of the world; when your luck is not with you, you are the unluckiest person in the world. It is a year where you need to control your temperament. You should use this year to upgrade yourself.

For the female, your luck is better than the male. Therefore, your luck this year will be average. If you are married, you will quarrel with your husband over small matters. If you are pregnant, there is a high chance that you will get a baby boy. Those who are single will also have a lot of argument with their boyfriend.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Career for Year 2006 生肖運程
You will experience a high stress working environment this year. There is one obstacle after another. You have a lot of competitors this year as well. Just be cool and take on one challenge at a time. Avoid offending others verbally.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Finance for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your financial luck will be like a roller coaster ride as well. Money is easy comes easy goes. Be discipline and save money or you will be broke at the end of the year.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Health for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your health is generally good this year. Just don?t overwork yourself and keep a health diet. If you have chronicle diseases, you have to pay extra attention to your health.

Chinese Zodiac Ox Love Life for Year 2006 生肖運程
Those who are in love will have to face a lot of challenges this year. With determination and persistent, the difficult time will pass and the sweet period will come. If you are married, don?t nag your spouse. Or, unimaginable consequences will follow.

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