Chinese Zodiac Sign for Year 2006

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign .

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

The 5 Element of Chinese Zodiac Goat for Year 2006

Chinese Zodiac Goat for Year 2006 生肖運程

The 5 Element of Chinese Zodiac Goat for Year 2006 生肖運程
The characteristics of the Sheep are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.

Chinese Zodiac Metal Goat born in the year 1931 AND 1991 生肖運程
Sheep often display a tough exterior to protect the fragile interior they are notorious for. Close friends and family of the Metal Sheep understand this is simply a front for those sensitive emotions tucked inside. Sheep can sometimes treat others the way they feel instead of the way they wish to be treated which can lead to a tendency to be overprotective and vulnerable. Metal Sheep, more than other Sheep, are culturally stimulated and hold a deep passion for the arts.

Chinese Zodiac Water Goat born in the year 1943 AND 2003 生肖運程
Like their element, Water Sheep go with the flow of things, content to stroll through life like a Sunday evening walk. They are easy to get along with and live with and can make quite lovable roommates and companions. They enjoy the security of their homes and will generally plant their roots and stay in one place. They are well-spoken and witty, but lack self-confidence. They can pout when they don?t get their way.

Chinese Zodiac Wood Goat born in the year 195S AND 2015 生肖運程
Generally surrounded by a bevy of friends, these Sheep enjoy being in the midst of a crowd. People flock to these Sheep, possibly because they are so compassionate and helpful. Their sincerity can be taken advantage of and Wood Sheep may get their feelings hurt by undeserving sympathy seekers. Sometimes, Wood Sheep need to suppress their caring ways and take care of themselves.

Chinese Zodiac Fire Goat born in the year 1907 AND 1967 生肖運程
Fire Sheep are not as likely to get their feelings hurt nor are they as likely to desire the approval of others as typical Sheep are. They are capable of taking care of themselves, standing up for themselves and putting themselves first. They are vivacious and charismatic, preferring theater to any of the other arts. Fire Sheep generally enjoy a tight circle of friends and family and enjoy the social limelight.

Chinese Zodiac Earth Goat born in the year 19l9 AND 1979 生肖運程
The Earth element gives the Sheep a grounded effect. Although he struggles with a lack of self-confidence, this Sheep is a very stable person. They are independent and practical, leaning more towards conservancy than liberality. An Earth Sheep?s family is his most important asset and he spends his life working hard to provide for his loved ones. Earth Sheep are born with a joy for life that generally becomes infectious as you get to know him.

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