Chinese Zodiac Sign for Year 2006

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign .

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit for Year 2006

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit for Year 2006 生肖運程

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Natural Character 生肖運程
Those who are born in the year of hare are gentle and sensitive in nature. You have good interpersonal relationship with people. Because you are kind in nature, people may take advantage of you or take you for granted. Although you do not look like a leadership but you are actually a capable leader.

You are also very adaptive. You can work in any environment and enjoy it. You are also an analytical person who can identify super deal. However, you are not a decisive person. Sometimes your hesitation let the opportunities pass and only to regret it later.

Overview of Chinese Zodiac Rabbit for Year 2006 生肖運程
This is a steady year for the zodiac Hare. There will be occasional obstacles in your life but with persistent and determination, you will be able to overcome it. Your public relations are not good this year. You may offend others without knowing. Watch your temper to avoid verbal conflicts with others.

For the male, your luck is good. You are very likely to be successful in your business venture. However, you must take calculated risk. There are also a lot of distractions to stray you from your goals. Be focus!

For the female, your luck is better compared to the male. You will enjoy a harmony relationship with your family. You will also have good chance in your career advancement. Work smarter and you will get the attention and praise from your superiors.

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Career for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your career is generally advancing. However, there will be obstacles every now and then. Don?t be deterred by the obstacles. Think out of the box and seek others for advice. Don?t do anything speculative. It is too risky for you this year. It is not a good time to change job this year.

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Finance for Year 2006 生肖運程
You will have an increased income compared to last year. However, your expenses increase accordingly as well. It is advised that you do proper financial planning to avoid owing debt.

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Health for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your health is not very good this year. You will get ill easily. Therefore, you must exercise regularly. You must not give up your exercise halfway. Don?t overwork until you forget your meal.

Chinese Zodiac Rabbit Love Life for Year 2006 生肖運程
Those who are single must put their feet onto the other parties? shoes. Different of opinions may lead to argument and quarrel if they are not being addressed wisely. For those who are married, you will enjoy a stable and harmony relationship.

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