Chinese Zodiac Sign for Year 2006

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign .

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The 5 Element of Chinese Zodiac Rooster for Year 2006

Chinese Zodiac Rooster for Year 2006 生肖運程

The 5 Element of Chinese Zodiac Rooster for Year 2006 生肖運程
The characteristics of the Rooster are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.

Chinese Zodiac Metal Rooster born in the year 1921 AND 1981 生肖運程
Metal Roosters can come off as arrogant and stuck up at times. They need a cushion for that overextended ego and someone to make sure it stays inflated. They are reasonable people who seem to analyze every decision they make and every situation they find themselves in. They are standoffish at times and can let their aggression get in the way of a blossoming friendship or romance. These Roosters should take a breather from their egos long enough to really enjoy what they have to offer.

Chinese Zodiac Water Rooster born in the year 1933 AND 1993 生肖運程
This Rooster is a bit more docile than the other Roosters. He is quieter, more tranquil, not as vocal or as spotlight hungry as other Roosters. These Roosters are great communicators probably because they do possess the ability to tone things down a bit. They have boundless energy that sometimes gets caught up in detail which causes a lapse in concentration. They have to learn to appreciate detail but not to harp on it, otherwise they may miss the final destination.

Chinese Zodiac Wood Rooster born in the year 194S AND 2005 生肖運程
This Rooster is different in that he enjoys being a part of the team rather than in the spotlight like other Roosters. He likes the company of others and is a genuine friend. These Roosters work for the betterment of society, working diligently to change the evils of it. They expect quality attempts from others involved with the causes and sometimes expect too much of their co-volunteers, as they do of themselves. Often, because of this desire to help society, these Roosters overcommitt themselves, unable to finish what they?ve started.

Chinese Zodiac Fire Rooster born in the year 1957 AND 2017 生肖運程
A Fire Rooster?s image is his most prized possession. He spends a lot of time making himself look good, causing him to appear vain. He is flaunty and dramatic, yet he is a brilliant social organizer who loves to plan parties and gatherings. They do have a tendency to be a bit bossy and this combined with a bluntness can cause hurt feelings and bruised egos amongst co-workers. Still, these Roosters make great leaders, creative, diligent and motivated.

Chinese Zodiac Earth Rooster born in the year 1909 AND 1969 生肖運程
This Rooster is overtly organized. He is a little reserved and quite careful in his decision making. These Roosters are hard workers as well, and can handle several tasks at once. They are detail-oriented who are quite efficient and self-sufficient. They take on responsibility without a cause and are motivated only in wanting to be successful. Sometimes they can be abrasive with colleagues if work is not up to their standards. This can cause resentment, so the Earth Rooster must be careful in his approach of his point of view, being sure to be honest and still kind.

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