Chinese Zodiac Sign for Year 2006

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign .

Chinese zodiac sign for Year 2006 was created to share with friends and those who are interested in chinese zodiac sign.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Chinese Zodiac Monkey for Year 2006

Chinese Zodiac Monkey for Year 2006 生肖運程

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Natural Character 生肖運程

Those who are born in the year of monkey have a very clever brain. No problems can stop you. You can solve them with ease. You have a strong curiosity and always explore new things. You are a fast learner too. You learn for fun. As a result, when problems surface, you can quickly response and solve them. You let nothing stop you.

You are dependable and like to help others, thus you win many friends. You are also a natural leader that your subordinates adore and respect. However, sometimes you act strangely and cause people to keep a distance from you.

Overview of Chinese Zodiac Monkey for Year 2006 生肖運程
This is a lucky year for the zodiac Monkey. You will be able to achieve your goal providing that you work for it. Many opportunities are waiting for, grab them and work on them. At the end of the year, you will be able to reap handsome rewards.

For the male, your luck is utterly good. If you set your achievable goals, you will be able to achieve them. However, you may attract backstabbers this year. They are jealous of your achievement. Don?t be egoistic of your achievement or else the backstabbers will do harms you behind your back.

For the female, your luck is better compared to the male. You have a loving husband taking care of you. You will also achieve good result in your career. You will also attract many male pursuers as well.

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Career for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your career luck is good. Working hard will bring you promotion opportunities. Those who run their own business will be able to reap a handsome profit this year. However, there will be obstacles in expanding your business. Just seek advice from the mentors.

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Finance for Year 2006 生肖運程
Your income will be good this year. You can save a lot of money. You can also invest your money in stock market. Please do your homework before putting your money down and avoid investing in speculative stocks.

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Health for Year 2006 生肖運程
You are fit for this year. You won't attract major illnesses. Even if you contracted illnesses, you will be able to recover fast. Don?t be stressed out by work. Take time to relax yourself.

Chinese Zodiac Monkey Love Life for Year 2006 生肖運程
The relationship for the married couples is good. You are loving each other. Those who are in love may get married this year. Those who are single will find a good spouse this year.

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